Our Beginnings
The Precious Blood Spirituality Institute was established in 2021 through a partnership with religious institutes devoted to the Precious Blood of Jesus: The Adorers of the Blood of Christ, The Sisters of the Precious Blood, and the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. The Institute also was created to collaborate with the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago to offer courses and workshops and support academic work pertaining to Precious Blood spirituality through the Schreiter Institute for Precious Blood Spirituality
The Precious Blood Spirituality Institute seeks:
To facilitate and encourage all the collaborative efforts to promote Precious Blood spirituality and the charisms of the Precious Blood Communities in the Roman Catholic Church and the world.
To serve as a resource to the leadership teams of the Precious Blood congregations, offering assistance as they foster the embodiment of the charism in the lives and ministry of their members.
To serve as a resource to all those who serve in ministry in the congregations of the Precious Blood communities as they seek to embody the charism in their ministry.
The Precious Blood Spirituality Institute is grateful to all our partners in this collaboration. To learn more about them, click the following links:
Adorers of the Blood of Christ, click here.
Sisters of the Precious Blood, click here.
Missionaries of the Precious Blood, click here.