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Image by Aaron Burden
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Stained Glass Praise

Sharing the gifts of

Precious Blood Spirituality with the world

Our Origin

The Precious Blood Spirituality Institute was established in 2021 through a partnership with religious institutes devoted to the Precious Blood of Jesus: The Adorers of the Blood of Christ, The Sisters of the Precious Blood, The Sisters of the Most Precious Blood, and the Missionaries of the Precious Blood.  Our mission is rooted in the Precious Blood of Jesus, the saving blood that recognizes the dignity of God's mercy found within every human person.


The Precious Blood Spirituality Institute brings our mission to life by: 

  • Encouraging collaborative efforts that promote the spirituality of our member communities. 

  • Offering opportunities to foster relationships. 

  • Fostering the continued development of Precious Blood Spirituality through the Robert J. Schreiter Institute of Precious Blood Spirituality to develop a theological perspective that informs our spirituality. 


​The Precious Blood Spirituality Institute is grateful to all our partners in this collaboration.

To learn more about them, click the following links: 

Discovering New Pathways 
in Our Pilgrimage of Faith

How to be a Pilgrim of Hope in a Digital World

We exist in a digital era, but the methods we traditionally use to share our faith and spirituality have not fully embraced this new age. Join us as we delve into creative ways to leverage digital media to invigorate our faith and spirituality and share it with others. 



Meet Our Staff

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